Dreams Team Members

Pat Corrigan Culotti
Patricia Corrigan Culotti, BSA, CTI, MTF is co-founder of Enhancing Balance and consults with local hospitals and healthcare organizations to introduce ancient healing arts into mainstream medicine. Pat has been teaching and studying traditional Yang style Tai Chi and Qigong since 1977. She has taught tai chi to diverse special populations including Veteran’s, Parkinson’s patients, the frail elderly and more through UW Research project, VA Medical Center, Aurora Health Care Systems, ProHealth and others in the Milwaukee area. As a highly qualified instructor, Pat has received certifications to teach from Michael Milewski of the Tai Chi Center of Milwaukee, Masters Benjamin Lo and William C. C. Chen. Pat’s ability to train and certify health care professionals in Tai Chi Fundamentals® (TCF) comes from her Master Instructor Certification from author, Tricia Yu, in this discipline. She is also a certified Range of Motion (ROM) Dance instructor. Pat is a featured model of Tai Chi postures for “Tai Chi Mind and Body” by Yu (DK Publishing, London). She teaches Cheng Man-Ch’ing form internationally.
Culotti’s expertise is in teaching students, of all capabilities, how to joyfully integrate mind-body practices into everyday life. She teaches at a variety of locations around the Milwaukee area and enjoys enhancing balance in many people’s lives.