Dreams Life & Wellness Center provides a wide range of life affirming and empowering activities capable of assisting people in moving from wherever they are to wherever they would like to be in any aspect of their life.
Dreams Founder and Director Erik Swenson has led and/or hosted hundreds of group events the past 8 years in his home and in other cities, states and countries throughout the world and shared holistic energy healing experiences and coaching experiences with similar numbers of people throughout the past 27 and 10 years of his life, respectively.
This listing of Dreams testimonials are from such experiences Erik has shared; others will be added as such events, programs and services are provided by Erik and others through Dreams Life & Wellness Center.

“I just wanted to put forth that this morning I woke up saying thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of the circle last night. To feel that kind of unconditional love, to feel empowered, to internalize all that beautiful and energy is just beyond words. So this morning I want to express my profound gratitude and abundant love for you, and for eagerly taking me in to your circle and helping me to come back to myself, to see that I am worthy of my own love and others.”
“I love every part of this! To find words great enough to express the joy in my heart seems to be no where in comparison to the levels of love I feel when I sit with group. Please know that today you helped give my heart exactly the love it longed for and the peace that it deserved:) . Thanks everyone and a special hug to you my dear friend Erik.’
“Erik, you truly are blessed with a gift of understanding and I’m so grateful for the opportunities I have to be guided by your words of wisdom and sharing. Thank you.”
“I am also aware that Erik’s abilities are focused on those of us with chronic illness etc. I have to say, I am experiencing so much good out of these sessions. This is one of a few that I am involved in each month, as I need it. The Remote Reiki/Distance Healing is working for sure: I opened myself up completely. At the start, it was bringing things that needed to be dealt with, to the surface, plus giving me the love and courage I needed to do it, and some pain relief. Now… omg.. My whole life has begun to change!”
“I wanted to thank you for the wonderful energy that you sent me on Easter. I was in Florida really struggling with the stress from losing my dog and a little flu bug. We were all still sleeping (not a morning family) and I woke up with a feeling that you had started the energy. Then shortly after felt a warm incredible calm come over me and could feel the energy from head to toe. It was very much needed and I am very grateful. You have such an amazing energy and are truly a gift.“
“I felt so supported, cared for, and listened to at the healing circle, and every time I get the pleasure of sharing with you it fills my heart with joy.”
“Erik Swenson you make my heart do back flips. I also was far away think I took the group with me. So much love in this group it blows my mind.”
“Erik, you have a way of sharing so clearly what I need to hear at just the right moment and with such heartfelt love.”
“Erik, you have completely amazed me with your healing ability! When you offered to help with my 6 year old’s sleeping issues, I wasn’t expecting a miracle. He had not slept for more than a few hours for as long as I can remember. I just trained myself to be able to live on short naps since I didn’t think he could ever change. I’ve done reiki on him myself, tried herbal teas, altered his diet, etc etc. Nothing worked until you shined your Light our way. After the session yesterday, he slept all night from 9pm-6am. No midnight snacks, no watching movies, no lego constructions being built. Just sleeping. That is nothing short of a miracle in my mind!” (Text modified to remove the name of the boy from this quote).
“So much gratitude to you Erik for sharing your honesty, openness, and happiness with me which gives me that much more desire to share my own. Thank you!”
“I love how open, light, and loved I feel after experiencing the healing energies that come from the Healing Circles.”
“I came away from the Healing Circle filled with new hope, joy, and new energy knowing I can change my stories to ones filled with abundance, love and happiness.“
“The point of all this is to express my gratitude and love to you for hosting this amazing experience, showcasing your unconditional love and gratitude, and to tell you that even in a few hours, I feel I have met some close, dear friends that will be with me on my journey for the time in which we can help feed one another’s souls This is an amazing path, I can’t wait to see the next steps unfold.“
“I profusely thank you, dearest Erik Swenson for these incredibly healing Sunday mornings!! I’m so deeply grateful for your time, support, gentle guidance, sense of humor, beautiful loving kindness & your gorgeous light!!”

The ability to live our Dreams exists within us all;
all that we offer is to assist YOU in living yours
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