Date(s) - 09/29/2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Dreams Life & Wellness Center
Throughout his life German born Hans Christian has , been inspired to create music as a composer, performer, and producer that induces calmness, relaxation, introspection, soul meditation, melancholic passion and an ever deeper connection to our hearts.
Beginning at age 9 Hans studied classical music with cellist Ulrich Haussdoerfer, his interest in music moved beyond the classical repertoire over time and he was drawn to free improvisation especially where the acoustics of his father’s Gothic church played a pivotal role in developing his musical ear.
The cello has served perfectly as his voice of expression; it has spoken in so many different ways to him and audiences throughout the world since his first release of original music in 1988. At 14 Hans added the bass guitar to his repertoire of instruments, he moved from Germany to Hollywood to study at Musicians Institute and pursue a career as a musician in the Los Angeles music scene and performed and recorded with an amazing range of celebrities including Robbie Robertson, Gene Clarke, John Waite, Sparks, Billy Idol, and members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
As Hans’s lifelong soulful connection to music and passion for presenting it in ways that so richly nourished the hearts of those who experienced it continued to unfold he felt a calling to integrate the vibrant, soulful resonation of gongs into the musical gifts he shares. The compliment of this practice has opened the doors to a greatly expanded manner in which he opens the experiences of guests to incredible journeys of heart and vibrational alignment within them.
The performances Hans has shared in the past have been either the cello or gong based events; Dreams is especially grateful to announce that the event Hans will be sharing at Dreams will be the first to incorporate both of this globally unique musical experiences into one.
From 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Hans will also be providing live music to accompany Linda Guerrero, E-CYT with Ocean Shore Yoga who will be providing a beautifully eclectic and therapeutic
flow mix style of ViniYoga, Iyengar, AshtangaYoga. Everyone can do it, any age, any size, as modifications and advancements will be offered to include all. Along with
healthy Yoga movement with our poses, we will be incorporating different breathing techniques, positive affirmations and mediation.
A key essence of Yoga is the achievement of a meditative state while connecting with one’s breath and movements of the body; Hans Christian’s unsurpassed passion for bringing music to life within those who hear it will infuse all who participate in this unique Yoga experience.
A Package discount is available to those who would like to experience both Hans events. Register here:
Register here the Sacred Yoga Event only: