As I Stepped Outside to Greet the World This Day
As I stepped outside to greet the world this day how aware I was of the change taking place in the world, especially with regard to the shift humanity is experiencing…
Certainly change is nothing new; to the contrary it is the eternal state of all physical existence… yet it is the change in humanity that I seemed to sense so particularly strongly this morning…
“All the world is a stage” is a quote I remember from years ago; I didn’t get it much then but I feel as if I get so very much more clearly now…
Each of us choosing our parts in each new day individually while at the same time often fitting ever so neatly into the “matrix” of the existence of all of humanity as our lives unfold… until we realize it is we ourselves who are writing the scripts of what comes next… whether we know we are doing so or not…
Line by line, act by act, at times participating in many plays simultaneously… the plays we engage in with our family and others with our friends, those we engage in at school or at work, with our partners or spouses, with our children and on and on and on…
All part of life these are for sure… and yet the sum total of the unfoldings in all of these aspects of our lives are truly not reflections of that which exist outside of us, rather that which exists within us…
Individual aspects of consciousness we are, influencing each and every aspect of our own lives just as we influence the lives of those around us while they are similarly influencing ours…
Which brings us to the essence of who we are… of the plays we choose to engage in… the reflections we choose… both individually as well as for humanity on the whole…
For as each becomes aware the truth of our life rests not in life happening to us, rather in life responding to us based upon the beliefs and perspectives we choose and corresponding action steps we take we begin to awaken from the dream that we are victims of life to the awareness we are empowered creators in each and every play we choose to engage in… aka actors in plays we ourselves are directing to continue in the play vernacular…
And that each and every human being in existence is directing on the whole with one another…
More and more love I see in the world each and every day… beyond the news clips exist the truth they have to reach ever further to fuel their profitable perspectives to the contrary because ever less in contrast to love continues to exist in each new day… as ever more are no longer willing to participate in the experiment of alternatives to love… and choosing love instead…
And as a result more and more light comes to be in the world each day because of the darkness humanity has experimented with before…
More and more peace comes to be in the world each day because of the conflict and harm humanity has experimented with before…
All of which continues to lead to more and more joy coming to be in the world each day because of the unhappiness humanity has experimented with before…
And hey, psst… you, yes you… as each becomes aware of their limitless individual influence on the whole of the well-being of humanity most become inspired to be ever more diligent about the plays they choose to participate in… and all the more so the roles they choose to play in each and every one of them…
And so I sense and feel celebration within me this day… celebration of each and every person exactly as they are… including myself, of course, a practice we’ve been taught is errant yet is so essential to the shining each of us has come forth to share and express in our eternally unique ways… and especially celebration of you too…
All the you’s I have been blessed to know or otherwise cross paths with to this point in my life… as well as all the you’s I have yet to meet or cross paths with…
For recognize you I do… the beauty of who you are… the love of who you are… the light of who you are… and the oneness in which we exist… with each and every other person that has ever been, that exists today or that will ever come to be…
Which brings me back to where we started… sooooo very grateful I am for the change taking place in the world, especially with regard to the shift humanity is experiencing…
Sooooo very grateful for the expansion of joy taking place… sooooo very grateful for the expansion of peace taking place… sooooo very grateful for the expansion of awareness we are all truly one that is taking place… and sooooo very grateful for each and every contribution each and every one of us makes to the expanded consciousness and love of humanity each and every day of our existence…
Including and especially you…
In endless love, light and gratitude for you, for all of humanity and for all that exists,
Erik Swenson
Dreams Life & Wellness Center
Founder & Director
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