Energy Share w/ Vibrational Medicine
Andrea Stong & John Stuart
Let’s come together as a community of practitioners to share our gifts and loving intentions. We each have something beautiful and unique to offer. As healers, we also can allow ourselves to relax and receive regularly too.
Give and receive energy healing with Andrea Stong while John Stuart weaves different vibrational frequencies and aspects of sound penetrate on a molecular/cellular level and amplify our experience.
Held the last Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise noted.
7:30:9:30 pm.
Investment of $20.
John Stuart & Andrea Stong

While all Dreams Events, Programs and Experiences assist people in expanding their alignment the primary focus of the following Dreams experiences is to help people create the healing they desire in their lives:

The ability to live our Dreams exists within us all;
all that we offer is to assist YOU in living yours
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