Date(s) - 09/29/2018
3:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Dreams Life & Wellness Center
Dreams feels especially blessed to celebrate a truly unique experience in which internationally acclaimed cellist Hans Christian will weave the vibrations and sounds of his cello into all who participate in this sacred Yoga event led by Linda Guerrero, E-CYT.
Linda with Ocean Shore Yoga, will be providing a beautifully eclectic and therapeuticflow mix style of ViniYoga, Iyengar, Ashtanga Yoga. Everyone can do it, any age, any size, as modifications and advancements will be offered to include all. Along withhealthy Yoga movement with our poses, we will be incorporating different breathing techniques, positive affirmations and mediation.
A key essence of Yoga is the achievement of a meditative state while connecting with one’s breath and movements of the body; Hans Christian’s unsurpassed passion for bringing music to life within those who hear it will infuse all who participate in this unique Yoga experience from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Throughout his life as a composer, performer, and producer, German born Hans Christian has been inspired to come up with music that induces relaxation and introspection, soul meditation and melancholic passion. As Hans’s lifelong soulful connection to music and passion for presenting it in ways that so richly nourished the hearts of those who experienced it continued to unfold he felt a calling to integrate the vibrant, soulful resonation of gongs into the musical gifts he shares.
Dreams is equally grateful to be hosting Hans for a Cello and Gong Sound Immersion event from 6:30 – 8:30 pm following this Yoga experience; special event pricing is available for those who participate in both of these events.
Click here to register for the Sacred Yoga Event or here to register for the Cello and Gong Sound Immersoion Evening Event with Hans.