Just a Drop

by | Aug 12, 2017 | 0 comments

One of the most interesting aspects of our existence- human beings, that is- is that we are both a drop of water in the sea of all existence, while at the same time the sea of all existence within one drop of water…

Jesus spoke long ago about the Father being in him and he being in the Father… it was this same truth he spoke of…

Physical existence… a playground of sorts it is… for ever so real it seems, and yet but a dream it is as well… feel free to check out the Dreams Blog #2 for more about our lives being dreams…

Ah, yes the playground of physical existence… seemingly so real it is, yet a mirage it most certainly is as well… and so very much more…

The mirage part; as science has determined that 99.9999% of atoms are empty space and as humans are made entirely as atoms- as is everything else in physical form (perhaps a blog to address this someday)… certainly the perspective that anything is physical is more mirage than truth…

Albert E. told us that energy we most truly are… energy, spirit, it matters not which term we use for interchangeable they are when used in reference to the truth of who we really are- as well as the truth of all that is physical is…

With this foundation of truth it becomes somewhat easier to understand the eternal, absolute correlation between the drop and the sea of all that exists…

For as consciousness is by nature eternally expanding the expansion it is forever experiencing rests in the eternal dance between the cumulative aspects of all that exist in physical and nonphysical form, the interchange between such aspects throughout eternity and the ever changing journeys each individual aspect chooses to experience throughout eternity…

Kinda comes full circle, doesn’t it…

How important and inseparable each individual aspect is to the whole… while at the same time the whole so fully exists within each and every such aspect of itself…

How beautifully this expansion of truth illuminates the mythology of so very many perspectives passed down to us by loved ones and places of worship and books that contain writings to the contrary and more…

The truth is that we are all one… eternally inseparable from one another… while at the same time each is an eternally unique expression of the oneness choosing journey after journey as we individually and collectively grow and expand and become ever greater joy and love and light throughout eternity…

With love as the glue that eternally exists within us all… and eternally connects it all together…

Sooooo especially grateful I am to be a fellow drop in the brilliant, radiant, unconditionally loving and light filled Divine dance of eternal existence with you…

Erik Swenson
Dreams Life and Wellness Center
Founder & Director


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